Haarslev equipment is world-renowned for its engineering excellence, and we probably manufacture and deliver a larger portion of your plant than anyone else.
Processing equipment and systems always operate in a particular setting – inside a building, mounted on certain structures and surfaces, linked together with other systems, in compliance with all kinds of rules and regulations.
All this engineering work – civil, mechanical, electrical and environmental – has to be planned and implemented effectively.
Our vast worldwide experience makes us uniquely capable delivering the best equipment available, but also making sure that everything works together as an efficient and profitable whole.
Based on the 3D layouts produced during the planning stage, our specialists apply state-of-the-art technology to produce your final foundation drawings, drain system drawings, and plant or line layout, including all platforms, electrical and data connections, piping and ducting.
Finally, we help you prepare the motor and instrument lists you’ll need for your control system.
At Haarslev, we have a very large team of engineers who not only develop new plants and expand existing ones, but can assess your operations and advise you on how to better meet your needs – from adding new inputs and increasing your output, to reducing your energy consumption and meeting new environmental regulations.