Latest news
and highlights
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Haarslev´s installation of the biggest continuous cooker ever in Brazil

Continuous cooker installment in Brazil

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Press release

Haarslev grows revenue in 2018, while continuing to implement improvement initiatives

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Haarslev fishmeal and fish oil processing expert promotes waste-heat recovery at Iceland conference

Haarslev fishmeal and fish oil processing expert promotes waste-heat recovery

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Haarslev strengthening the team in North America

The North American organization of Haarslev is strengthening the team with experienced employees

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Haarslev travelling with the Royal Family

Haarslev had the honor of visiting Argentina with the Danish Royal Family.

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Press release

Haarslev signs contract for two huge orders

With two huge orders totaling EUR 47m the Danish company Haarslev is on the crest of the waves. These orders are the largest ever in the history of the company which designs and manufactures state-of-the-art systems and equipment for processing animal by-products for animal feed.

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Press release

Hårslev gets its second defibrillator

Haarslev has moved one of the company’s defibrillators which means that it is now placed on the outside of the reception-building on Bogensevej 85 – available to everyone in the local community day and night.

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Press release

Major investments in the US

Haarslev announces highest order intake ever, and major investments in the US for an even stronger future.

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New times in Haarslev – ambitious plans of growth call for new methods

For CEO Han Defauwes, 2018 started out with an interview by the Danish newspaper Fyens Stifttidende. This resulted in a series of articles in which Han explains his vision for Haarslev and his ambitious goals. Here is a summary of the articles.

Taking care
of tomorrow

Haarslev Global Services makes sure your business keeps on going

Downtime is the worst for all companies. You just have to avoid it at all costs. Our systems have been designed to ensure maximum uptime.
Haarslev Global Services department helps keep your plant running reliably, efficiently and profitably every day of the year.

Highly trained experts are available to give you the best advice when it comes to mastering your processes and by implementing the right procedures for maintenance and spare parts stock, you will be able to:

  • guarantee your throughput
  • obtain more yield per product
  • achieve a reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Harald Petersen
Mechanical Engineer